Thursday, October 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Wishes, Warm Wishes for Thanksgiving

Express your joys, excitement and enthuasiasm for the coming thanksgiving day by thanking all good people, well-wishers, families and God who has always blessed you. Share your warm thanksgiving day wishes through our collection of cards and greetings offered to all visitors for free.
wishes for thanksgiving Thanksgiving Wishes Card Thanksgiving Day Wishes

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Day 2009

Thanksgiving Day is a festival and annual holiday for America and Canada who celebrate this day on different dates. Canadian thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the second monday of the month October and the American Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in the month of November. Hence, the day has craze with people to have holiday from work and enjoy great company of dear buddies and have feast together. For the year 2009, thanksgiving day for the two countries will fall on :
  • November 26, 2009 in USA (American Thanksgiving)
  • October 12, 2009 in Canada (Canadian Thanksgiving)

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Feast Cards

Thanksgiving is a day to thank god for good harvest crop and to give little share of that bountiful crop to poor people and all those who contibuted in it. The warm get-together of families, friends, colleagues and dear buddies for a common feast at the dining table is also symbol of people's concern, love and sharing. So, this year, organise some thanksgiving day feast and use these cards to have little overview of the dining table and the food. thanksgiving feast card
Thanksgiving Day Feast Cards Thanksgiving Day Feast

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Jokes

Enjoy these amazing hilarious jokes and riddles made on thanksgiving day to entertain people with turkeys, stupid people, cartoons and other funny stuff. Many people relate this day as the chicken's day off in a comic sense. You can download variety in our thanksgiving day jokes like naughty, sexy, adult and smart jokes too.
Jokes for Thanksgiving DayThanksgiving Day Jokes
Thanksgiving Turkey Jokes

Thanksgiving Day In Canada

Each country has its day to celebrate and thank god for bounty. Canada celebrates its thanksgiving day on second monday of the October month to give thanks for good bountiful harvest crop. Thanksgiving Day In Canada is observed as statutory holiday. People usually calls for large dinners, parties, get-togeters and visit to their religious places to pray and thank god. Canadian people celebrate thanksgiving with parades, family dinner feasts and share union of all.

Canadian Thanksgiving Card

Thanksgiving Day Celebration in Canada

Thanksgiving Day In Canada

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Celebration

Thanksgiving Day has special importance for Americans and other people who enjoy lovely dinner together with pray for god to keep his hand on us. People enjoy celebrating thanksgiving at shopping malls, parks and open areas where special thanksgiving decoration of turkeys are done. So enjoy thanksgiving day celebration with all your cool buddies.
Celebration of Thanksgiving Day American Thanksgiving Celebrations
Thanksgiving Day Celebration

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Thanksgiving Day Prayers

Thanksgiving Day celebrations is the giving of thanks to god for his continous blessings, good harvest crop and grace. People on this day visit their religious place to worship god. There are lots of prayers said during morning, evening, night, dinner time and group prayers. Take help from our few Thanksgiving Day Prayers.
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food,
For love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Thanksgiving Table Prayer thanksgiving day prayers thanksgiving day prayer card